
i bought a charm bracelet in school today. i don't know what made me buy it (since i'm not really an impulse buyer, and it wasn't cheap) but something about the intricate, bronze charms recalled an overwhelming peace and serenity within me... i chose 3 charms that have symbolic meanings to my life and my personality, and i think i especially like the idea of wearing jewellery that tells a story. haha. i guess it's kind of like a totem of identity? something to weigh me down and save a small piece of me for myself. it made me really happy for the whole of today (:

by the way, Paramore's Careful is reallyyy nice.

You look like I did
You resist me just like this
You can't tell me how to heal
And it hurts remembering
How it felt to shut down

mid-autumn festival today! would be kinda nice if i could carry lanterns around the neighborhood and play with candles/sparklers with a group of much-loved friends. it always has a poignant significance to me, because it reminded me how it felt to be a child... but not that i've done it in recent years. loss of youth and innocence? haha, maybe.

work beckons.