in the game of love, there is constant technicolor; a confusing flux of happy and distress, disappointment and excitement. & the most amazing thing is, the moment you think you've reached your lowest point, love picks you back up and throws you higher than you've ever imagined... if there's one thing i learnt, it's that love makes you do crazy shit. it's like a dance, really: sometimes you take small, timid steps towards the other, wishing he would be the bold one to take the initiative, but there are times when you make LEAPS and FLING your heart out towards the horizon for him to catch, knowing fully well that if he didn't you'd be dead but you do it anyway. that's how you make it much more than just a tepid reception, because life is young and hasty you want to go freely with your soul so despite all the criticisms the sneers the judgements, for some irrational, inexplicable reason, you know that he's worth it (: