2014 baby!

and so this blog has survived yet another year with me. happy 2014 friends!! last year i spent both x'mas and new year's in LA - curled up in bed with the boy watching movies and eating ice cream, ensconced in simple, warm happiness. we had a great view of the long beach fireworks up at our hotel but that was the closest we got to being festive with our celebrations. this year wasn't any much different haha. almost everyone i know (or at least everyone on instagram, it seems) was spending new year's with a bang. us? our last moments of 2013 took place at macs where we were playing heads up laughing like 6 year old kids LOL. we didn't even know it was the new year until the staff started chiming HAPPY NEW YEAR!

we have got to be the most apathetic couple ever. but i love that we can always celebrate stuff in the most unpretentious, unglamorous ways ever. coz that's what holidays are about anyway isn't it? spending quality time with the people you love and appreciating them in the most genuine ways possible. 

how we spend our first day of 2014: watching sixth sense and eating junk food. twister fries foreverrr.

how did you spend your new year's? (: