MJ HOP (aka my passing out parade)

so this happened over the weekend. over 3 hours of games, dinner and ritual to mark a whole year's worth of dance and work. and suddenly... i don't have to be MJ's president anymore. no more shouting at a crowd to settle them down for a photo, or giving last minute prep talks before a competition... or even scolding until i break down inside and cry.

how do you say goodbye to the person you were for a year overnight?

not particularly overwhelmed by misery but still can't deny that i was pretty emotional that night. above all i think the change of identity is the most disarming part. the part when you realise you're no longer as relevant as before and you have to step aside and let someone else do the job you love. i've been joking that i've been waiting for this reprieve for too damn long but it's still kinda sad, looking back at all that you've accomplished and wondering if you'll ever be the same again.

and the people haven't been making this easier either. been receiving long, heartfelt messages from my dancers and in these messages, they thank me for all the things that i've done right and talk about how much gratitude/inspiration i've given them. to me, it feels all too good to be true. and i think they honestly give me too much credit. throughout the past four years, i'm so glad i opened my life up to this amazing place. MJ has given me people who have changed my life forever - for better or for worse. and for every person who despises/backstabs/blindsides me, there will be three more who are there to support/encourage/hug me.

these are the beautiful people i will keep close to my heart.