dear dear b

today i made a promise to a boy to treasure him, appreciate him and love him more than anything else for the rest of my life. i'm not usually good with promises, and i always hate it when people made me promise something, but this i said out of my own accord. his love for me makes me strong and it's so powerful that it changes me. it makes me become a better person, one that is more committed, honest and patient. but most of all, it makes me believe again.

I used to believe in destiny y'know... (But) I've stopped believing. Not in some depressed, I’m-gonna-cry-during-my-toast way. Not in a way I even noticed until tonight. It’s just… every day, I think I believe a little less, and a little less, and a little less. And that sucks.
-- Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother
this quote always gets me. the first time i heard it, i was struck speechless because it put a light on exactly how i felt. i used to be a real romantic, and people always laughed at how silly i was but i never faltered. but 3 broken relationships and a hundred nights of crying to sleep later, i realized how easily it was to get broken this way. and i just, stopped.

until out of nowhere, this boy came into my life and i fell in love again.