Major Syndicate

The Major Syndicate Project is well on its way to take off! ((: been devoting so much effort in this baby ever since it was birthed... from the recruitment of contributors, planning the timeline, filming & editing the teaser video and rallying members to help publicize - i was in it all the way. so proud of how this has grown (: been involved in 2-3 concept videos so far and seeing how other dancers are putting in so much effort (not to mention time and moneyy) into this project as well is testimony to how strong the MJ heart is! fuzzy wuzzy feeling inside ((: the past 30 min have been spent thinking of the video description, and then posting it on the official MJ youtube/twitter, then retweeting/sharing those on my own account. and publicizing it on this blog is just the final touch to the end of this crazy day.

this has been the best distraction ever since all my commitments stopped in June. they say the most constructive way to deal with your negativity is to channel it to creativity. so true (: