super 24

watching our super 24 video made my heart leapt out just a little bit... this is what MJ does best; not going with the mainstream, choosing intricate choreography to hit insane musicality, focusing on control on top of energy, performance and everything else & using one coherent song/storyline to tie everything together. this is why i love MJ. we have HEART work. we know we're not as talented as the other dance groups but we work our asses off just for the fact of pushing the art and putting up a great piece  our alumni/seniors support is amazingg and the MJ spirit is infectious.

i won't deny. watching the other groups during the stage run was terrifying. TPDE & NRA were exceptionally impressive. but we made our own stage somewhere else and just kept practising. because we believe in refining our craft, just like how good artists are. i really love MJ for our culture of not being cocky or complacent. humility is the best trait a dancer can have.

in the end, we didn't get the score we were aiming for. personally, to say i wasn't disappointed would be a lie. but it really felt good at the last moment when we faced each other and fist pumped the air to the skin-tingling falsetto of Adele's voice... that was the moment when we knew we did it. we danced as a team and we connected with the audience. and i guess that's all that matters (:

from the very start, i pictured you standing there, amongst the audience, just watching me and wishing me good luck silently in your heart. my mind shot through the different images of how i remembered your smiling face as you looked at me - your iridescent smile, the soft eyes... and it hurt. which gave me the energy to push even more especially at the ending. so thank you. for providing me with the motivation twice over to connect with the songs and create good art.

(will upload a good video of our performance soon (: )