birthday post


i'm not in a particularly poetic mood now but suffice to say that last saturday was really quite awesome (: i always looked forward to birthdays, because i think it's one of the only days in the year when people actually love you (or as wilson says: when you know how much people love you) though honestly i didn't have much expectations for what was going to happen this year. or maybe the proper way to put it was i lost that childish innocence that saw birthdays as the time when you get treated as a princess and everybody lavished you with lots of presents and smiles and hugs. i know it sounds really stupid... but maybe this is what they called 'growing up'. maybe this is the point when you turn 19 and you realize your birthday isn't that big of a deal anymore. and soon enough when you grow older and more jaded of this world, your birthday will just turn into any other regular day of the year.

okay that was just some of my reflections and i know they sound angsty but i'm not haha. 06.10 was awesome because of friends like freddi and niang who came to surprise me in my house when i was still asleep! fortunately i woke up when i heard my room door open so they didn't have a chance to take incriminating photos of me asleep hahaha. and they got me an AWFULLY CHOCOLATE CAKE HOW AWFULLY AWESOME IS THAT?! it's damnnnn nice :D after that we took pretty polaroid photos (actl i look half asleep in them, understandably) and htht-ed in my room for a while before i chased them out and rushed for dance prac. (they didn't mind because they're awesome friends like that!)

then mj prac was sickkk because we did freestyle (pretend) cypher and got to watch seniors exhibit their freestyle techniques. still very inadequate as a dancer; have to work harder on my basics and musicality! haha but knowing how much further i can go only makes me love dance even more. mjfamily <3

et with W thereafter and he was being incredibly sweet... i was so touched that i cried T.T i don't think i've been moved to tears many times in my life so this was really something special... thanks for everything in spite of what happened before dear (: 真的好开心哦。

dope dinner!