on the way to the airport right now... getting kinda excited at the thought of a lovely vacation with the best company ((: it's fortunate that B's dad is driving us if not I'd be lugging my heavy bag up a cramped bus at this moment. talking abt cramped buses, I wonder how it'll be like when we get to Korea - leaving our comfortable environment and finding ourselves in a completely foreign place. different language, different culture, different kind of people. I know close to nothing about Korea (except for what I watch on running man) but I guess that's part of what makes the whole package so alluring. I'm very easily excited about exploring new sights and places. AND THE FOOD. omg sooooo excited about the food. I was doing last minute research on Korea last night and I've already drawn up a long to-try list of Korean food :D

and... to think about it. this is my very first trip that was entirely planned with a special someone. although we've had our experiences travelling in LA but that was exchange and so were the trips before. this is different. I love the feeling of being in control of my own life, and having the chance to spend it away from the issues in singapore is a real luxury. life continues when I'm back, what with dance and FYP. but for now, a girl can dream (: