ntu timetable (revised)

this is rather belated but...


like omg :D i got it by pure serendipity (i'm lucky in ways like that) on a random thursday afternoon just when i was printing notes in the hss library. hahaha i'm super happy coz this means: 1) i can take more advanced lit mods next sem like LIT AND MADNESS or American Lit or smth 2) my timetable is damn swee now! (i have a 4-day week heh)

this sem i'm doing all the subjects i'm really passionate about. acting and representation in theatre/film (ji long name) is reallyy cool coz it's like a philo 101 class where we discuss/debate/cogitate and you get to ponder about a lot of things in life. i never got the chance to do this even though i've always been interested so this is a really great opportunity. and linguistics modules have been everything i expected. so i guess from now onwards i'll be spending most of my time with my notes and making myself happier like that. chao mugger ftw.