most boring job

today, i went for my most boring and uneventful job ever: people counting at KKH. i literally sat in an air-conditioned lobby pressing a counter and recorded numbers for eight hours i was bored out of my minddd. luckily i had my book because my phone died on me half-way through... but i did wrote quite a bit of lyrics for an original song; a first of its kind yet and i'm quite happy the way it turned out ^.^ i wanted to write about us but i didn't know where to start so i started writing about me instead, though it's quite emo (haha i think i'm only good at writing emo lyrics)

oh well at least it's easy moneyy. tomorrow i'm gonna arm myself with a jacket and a flask of hot milo before i freeze to death again.

thinking of baking on thurs! (: cookies/muffins/waffles (i still have my waffles cravings =\)