gossip girl and exchange

dreamy sigh at the end of the last episode for the latest season of Gossip Girl, after the frustrated yelps and the pained expressions at all the drama and the cyclical nature of their ennui. at least some pieces fall nicely into the shape of a path that might lead to a more hopeful future - like Blair finally fighting for Chuck after he rejected her and a year of untimely affections/rejections before that. Others finally sounded more believable - like Serena going back to waste herself away after losing everyone she cared about (that i can sorta relate). maybe this is why GG has me on the hook. despite all the drama and upheaval, i still find resonance in so many of their characters .says a lot about my life huh haha.


on another note, preparations for exchange is a pain. in. in. ass. so many things to settle - from housing to visa to finances to transport to health care to air ticket - and there won't be anyone to cross-references with in case i miss anything out!! >:(

i'm really excited to be there and see new things but for now when i'm still in singapore, exchange stuff are starting to be a dragg.