how far we've come

10 more days to our 10 monthiversary - it really doesn't feel like much but saying '10 months' leaves a rather sweet aftertaste in your mouth, as how 10 is the number of fulfillment, of wholeness, of being the complete of two halves... we've been storming like crazy the initial 7 (?) months but we're finally here and nothing else matters because we've left our old selves behind; all there is to do now is to love the imperfect perfection that's right before our eyes. i love you and you make me so mad at times but it's okay because it's different now, and i know things are gonna work out in the end because we're so much better than this. you've seen me at my lowest when i'm weak and vulnerable or when i'm ugly and jealous and these are sides i try to hide from the world but you were the one who taught me i didn't have to anymore.

we're damaged souls but the world keels at our fortitude.